Teaching Contract

All instructors are required to fill out the following contract. Once reviewed, it will be approved and you will be notified of said approval.


For your convenience, we have also attached a “fillable pdf” W9 form we require for anyone teaching, speaking or performing other services for PGHW.


Teaching Contract

"*" indicates required fields

Instructor/Speakers Name*
If this number is not reached 5 days prior to the workshop, the workshop will be cancelled.

Is there a supply list? (paid directly to the teacher)*
PGHW finds it easier for the instructor to supply necessary items and build the cost into the class fee. If this is not an option, go to the next section.
If you cannot add the cost of supplies to the class fee, put the additional charge here. If it is to be paid directly to you, specify that, otherwise it will be built into the cost.
This is what will be copy and pasted for the website for the students to understand the class.
Please attach high quality jpgs (jpeg) or png here. NO PDF's!
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 20 MB.
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.