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May 10

Cyanotype Your Own Fabric, Using White, Light, or Patterned Fabrics

May 10 @ 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Join Diane Sidener for an all-levels Cyanoptyping on Fabric workshop!

Cyanotype is an early form of photography, and we’ll use this low-tech medium to print on fabric. We’ll experiment and work out designs by layering leaves, negatives (optional), and other flat objects on treated paper and exposing this in sunlight; do the same on instructor supplied treated fabric; then treat student-supplied fabric with the chemicals, and repeat successful designs on this. Toning options to alter color will be available.

Supplies Needed:
– Natural fiber fabrics (cotton, linen, rayon, silk, wool) or blends up to 10% synthetic (such as heathered tee shirts). This can be quilt squares, yardage, or simple garments such as tee shirts. Maximum fabric size of 24 by 36″, for maximum print size of 22″ by 36.” Bring a number of items/pieces, and we’ll see what time permits.
– Flat objects to cyanotype (leaves, pressed flowers, lace, cut paper, etc.). For crisp outlines, the thinner the better.
– Optional: Negatives (can be created using photo software (GIMP works well, and is free) and transparency film).

Instructor Bio:
Professionally a folklorist, Diane Sidener has had a passion for fiber creations since childhood, beginning with sewing and knitting, later adding crochet and felting (wet, nuno and needle). Being a folklorist, when she fell in love with Japanese silk she researched their fabric traditions and techniques, and experiments with shibori as a way to create pattern. She began cyanotyping a number of years ago as a way to create images on fabric, inspired by nature and Japanese imagery. Quickly realizing that it’s a lot cheaper to practice on paper she experiments on watercolor and mulberry papers, and occasionally papyrus. Her fabric works gain the added complexity of pattern, by both using patterned fabric to cyanotype and surrounding cyanotypes with the organic complexity of batiks in her larger and quilted pieces. Currently exhibiting her work at Show of Hands gallery (1006 Pine St, Philadelphia), where she has quilts and other fabric pieces, framed and matted art and art cards.

Cyanotyping on Fabric

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*Please choose this option if you fall into one or more of the following categories: are experiencing financial hardship, identify as BIPOC or as an underserved individual, are a student, are unemployed, have multiple dependents. There are limited spots available for this pricing option. Please note this pricing option is open to both guild members and non-members.
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May 10
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Event Category:


Guild House
3705 Main Street
Manayunk,PA19127United States
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