Love working with wool? Cherish sheep? Don’t miss this talk! CINDRA KERSCHER joins us from The Livestock Conservancy to discuss Shave ‘Em to Save ‘Em, an impactful program that connects shepherds of heritage breeds with fiber artists like you!
TheLivestock Conservancy has long said that the way to save endangered breeds of livestock is to give them a job. In the case of wool sheep, we need to start using their wool again. Because of marketing challenges, some shepherds discard or compost the wool after their annual shearing rather than cleaning it and selling it. This program encourages fiber artists to try using rare wools, and helps shepherds learn how to prepare their wool for sale and how to reach potential customers, thereby making it more profitable to raise heritage breeds. Save the date to find out how it works and why the wool you choose can be so important!
Cindra Kerscher serves as a Program Coordinator for The Livestock Conservancy. Having been raised in a rural, Pennsylvania farm community, Cindra fully appreciates small, family farmers. She is currently working toward a degree in Sustainable Agriculture from Central Carolina Community College and becoming a Certified Beekeeper from the North Carolina State Beekeepers Association. Cindra oversees the Shave ‘Em to Save ‘Em program, coordinates requests for the Conservancy’s display and marketing materials, and works with Breed Associations. She sees a small diversified farm is in her future.