Member Benefits

Member Benefits

Becoming a member of the guild provides you with several benefits. Explore the tabs below to learn more about the benefits.

Make Fiber Friends

We are a friendly community of fiber artists and enthusiasts. Make new fiber friends to create with, learn from, or share your skills with in person and virtually.

Special Interest Groups

Join as many special interest groups (SIGs) as you’d like to grow as a fiber artist with others in the community. Learn more about SIGs.

Member Meetings

Regular member meetings can be educational and social.


Be a mentor or mentee through SIGs or one-on-one mentoring (when available).



Discounted Workshops and Classes

When you decide you want to deep dive on a topic and get hands on instruction, you will get a discounted rate to our workshops and classes. View our calendar to see what events we have available.

Mid-Atlantic Fiber Association (MAFA) Membership

PGHW membership Includes membership in MAFA, which represents and supports a community of fiber arts guilds in the greater Mid-Atlantic region. Learn more:



Guild Library

Leverage our library and borrow books to learn new skills, explore new patterns, and create fiber arts.

Equipment Library / Rental

Rent a piece of equipment to work on a project. Perhaps you want to learn if you like the craft before investing in your own equipment or you have a specialty project and need temporary use of an item.

We have looms, spinning wheels, and other fiber tools available for rent.





Member Gallery

Share your work with others through our member gallery. Feature your work in the guild building for a set period of time for others to view.



Volunteer with us at outreach events to reach the broader community and help grow the guild, teach the general public (including kids!) about fiber arts. These events are always a blast to support. In 2024, we’ve been working with the zoo to process, spin, and weave their Alpaca fiber.