Join PGHW member, Diane Sidener, and learn how make hauntingly beautiful cyanotypes on paper and fabric.
Date: Saturday, Sept. 21 from noon to 4 PM. Rain date: Sunday, Sept. 22 from noon to 4 PM.
Members: $105 / Non-Members: $155
Cyanotyping is an early form of photography, the origin of blueprints, and the first book with published photographs.
We will:
Use brushes and other means to treat fabric and watercolor paper with cyanotype chemicals.
Create photograms by layering leaves and other flat objects directly onto the treated paper and fabric, exposing them in the sun and finishing them. We will finish them by removing leaves, etc, rinsing the prints and drying them.
Advanced options (negatives, additions, toning, light box) will be demonstrated and resources for exploration will be provided.
Optional items to bring with you:
– Small pieces of white or light-colored natural fiber fabrics (no more than 14″ square).
– Quilt squares are great! Fabrics must be washable but do not need to be pre-treated other than being clean.
– Leaves, fresh or pressed: the flatter the better (things with thick veins like ivy or woody stems don’t work well)
– Flat found objects: aim for no thicker than cardstock, optional. Lace can make beautiful effects, as can cut paper.alum, Aluminum, zirconium or phosphoric acid tanned, light colored leather