Benefits of Guild membership include access to the PGHW Library, located in the Guild House. The library contains over 2000 books, magazines, and other print and video materials pertaining to the fiber arts. The catalog can be searched online via TinyCat.
How to use the library
If you have already filled out the LIBRARY BORROWER FORM (see below) online, you may check out up to 2 items at a time by simply filling out the form in the kitchen with your name, email address and barcode, like photo below.
If you can, please send an email to with the subject line CHECK OUT. In the body of the email, list your name and the items you are checking out and the librarian will take it from there.
You may also RETURN items by letting the librarian know (use ITEM RETURN in the subject header) when you return an item at the guild. Or, please place all returned books in the box in the kitchen that is labeled LIBRARY RETURNS. *BUT REMEMBER–to use this system you must first have completed a LIBRARY BORROWER FORM found below.
A reminder: Please DON’T reshelve books! Put any materials you pulled off the shelves for browsing or reading in the LIBRARY RETURN BOX in the kitchen.
Why?? We lose books when well-intentioned people reshelve books. They get ‘found’ only during inventory. This is a universal library rule, not just ours. It also allows us to see and track which books are gtting used, even if they aren’t checked out. So thank you all for making our library even better!
Library Borrower's Form
PGHW Library Catalog
To search by subject, title, or author, please click on the link below: