
Guild House 3705 Main Street, Manayunk, PA, United States

PGHW's semi-annual event where we sell all kinds of luscious fiber that has been donated, so it's sold at great prices! We also have member…

Event Series Tapestry Sig

Tapestry and Little Looms SIG

Guild House 3705 Main Street, Manayunk, PA, United States

The Tapestry SIG is expanding to include all Little Looms! Come join us from 2-4pm every 1st Saturday of the month. Potholder looms, inkle looms,…

Event Series Rigid Heddle SIG

Rigid Heddle SIG

Guild House 3705 Main Street, Manayunk, PA, United States

Do you like weaving on a rigid heddle loom? Do you want to learn how to weave on a rigid heddle loom? Do you want…

Fiberpalooza Rain Date

Guild House 3705 Main Street, Manayunk, PA, United States

Rain date for Fiberpalooza (in case of inclement weather April 5).

Event Series Felting SIG

Felting SIG

Guild House 3705 Main Street, Manayunk, PA, United States

At each meeting we'll learn something new about felting and make a project. Please bring the following items: a small bucket for water, pen or…

Event Series Portable Fibers Live!

Portable Fibers Live!

Guild House 3705 Main Street, Manayunk, PA, United States

This group is designed as a meetup without an agenda other than getting together and doing whatever fiber project you are currently working on. Good…