Where to Rent Fiber Arts Equipment

Philadelphia Guild of Handweavers rents all kinds of fiber arts equipment! You have to be a member in good standing, have a library account, and logged in to your member account to rent this equipment.

The guild also has other fiber related equipment for use in the guild house. To find out what we offer, please join the guild and check out one of our Special Interest Groups!

The following equipment is available for rent.

Rigid Heddle Looms (Replacement value $200)

We rent rigid heddle looms to members.

Each has a 7.5 or 8 dpi reed and a 10 dpi reed,
plus warping peg and clamps. Renters will borrow the loom plus accessories.


Table Looms (Replacement value $300)

Dorothy Table Looms with 4 and 8 harnesses (represented in photo, not actual loom).

Renter can select reed size at checkout.

$25 month


Spinning Wheels (Replacement value $600)

We have Ashford Kiwi wheels available to rent (represented in photo, not actual wheel). Prior spinning experience suggested before renting. 


E-Spinner (Replacement value $250)

We have a Dreaming Robots e-spinner that we rent to members.  


Inkle Looms
We rent Ashford Inklettes


Other Small Equipment

We rent other small equipment that is listed on the form below. 

Equipment Form

I am renting the following equipment.(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.