Walk in and Weave a Hanging Basket for Fiber Tools

Guild House 3705 Main Street, Manayunk, PA, United States

Do you like to keep your fiber tools handy and together? Drop spindles; scissors; shuttles? Come and weave a basket for them so they are…

Walk in and Crochet a Mandala Using the Overlay Technique

Guild House 3705 Main Street, Manayunk, PA, United States

In this class Valerie Ciliberti will take crochet to another level by learning the stitches and techniques of overlay crochet. This will allow you to…

Felt a Vessel with Marcie Ziskind

Guild House 3705 Main Street, Manayunk, PA, United States

Through this class you will gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to turn your roving into a beautiful vessel. We will…