Visiting Historic Strawberry Mansion

It was a beautiful day as I climbed in my car, heading to the first real event I scheduled outside for the guild. 

I was a little nervous. Would anyone show up? Would I be sitting with other board members wondering what went wrong? 

I parked my car, taking note of the empty lot, and walked around the side of the building to find Val and Charlotte sitting at one of the wrought iron tables on the back porch of Historic Strawberry Mansion

The three of us chatted and as the minutes went by, a few more people showed up. Then a few more and the next time I looked around, the porch was full of established members and our 7 new guests enjoying knitting, spinning, weaving and conversing. 

It was a perfect day. No humidity, a comfortable temperature, and the shade under the porch roof kept us cool as the chatter and laughter of kindness and new friendships filled the air. 

Sara made a few comments and asked each guest to introduce themselves and state the last project they completed, even if it was making your bed!

Every fiber art was covered. We heard from a local sheep farmer,  two local costume designers/fabricators wowed us with their latest project, we learned about the genetic predisposition of taking up an art and learning it on the first try (not something that usually happens!), the love and desire of a member to carry on a family tradition held close to her heart, and many other project updates, funny stories and fiber related goodies. 

The day ended with a short but history filled tour by Connie Ragsdale, President of The Committee Of 1926 of Pennsylvania at Historic Strawberry Mansion. Strawberry Mansion is the largest mansion of the historic mansions in Philadelphia, built as a summer home in 1789 by Judge William Lewis — who is credited with drafting the first law to abolish slavery in the U.S. and served as advisor to both George Washington and Alexander Hamilton. The mansion is worth a visit. The gardens are meticulously maintained and the interior is full of historic fixtures, furniture and appointments gathered over time through thoughtful and fascinating stories. This mansion represents and holds stories of our nations history, a history that could easily be lost without the loving guidance of an organization willing to take on its challenge of preservation. 

Overall, It was a wonderful day. New friends were made and old friends were reunited. 

Our next mansion visit will be to Ormiston Mansion where we will be learning about the NJ Fibershed while sitting in an award winning garden, creating. 

Won’t you join us?

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