Natural Dyeing/Awbury Garden Update!

The Natural Dyeing SIG recently gathered on Zoom for our first meeting of 2022. Those who were present shared introductions, glimpses of projects they’d created in the past, as well as what they hope to learn from fellow members.

Given the wide range of materials, dyes, and techniques that members within our group have explored independently (wool and silk yarn, cotton fabric, and indigo block printing to name a few!), the possibilities of what we can share with each other are vast and exciting. Members also discussed their experiences and background knowledge on various mordanting processes, the main topic of the meeting. 

In February, we hope to gather in person to put our mordanting to the test with a “kitchen dye” session. Members are encouraged to bring pre-mordanted fabric/ fiber which we will dye using avocado, turmeric, and other items commonly found in the kitchen (or easily obtainable from the grocery store).

February is also the time of year when we begin to plan the dye garden we keep at Awbury Arboretum, the care and keeping of which is completely volunteer-run. The SIG looks forward to selecting plants to grow and tend to come springtime!

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